Lately, at our kitchen table, there have been pumpkins and leaves. Those two pumpkins that Bracken harvested in the garden… they’ve been in the process of being carved, scooped out, and the seeds roasted. We got an amazing amount of seeds from such small pumpkins and they make such a tasty snack. Scooping out the pumpkins and carving them has been great project for Bracken to work on while I’m making breakfast and cleaning up the kitchen in the mornings. And while we didn’t dip as many leaves in beeswax as we did last year, we’ve dipped some this year (along with the few Bracken made at Harvest Festival.) The smell of pumpkins in the kitchen, and most especially the smell of beeswax, are just two of the many things I love about fall.
i just love wax dipped leaves, we have never done it ourselves, but it always looks so neat. 🙂