{These pictures were actually not taken this past Saturday, but the Saturday before last, on April 23rd, and I’m just now getting them posted on May 3rd. Since I love to take pictures of the farmer’s market and the different offerings found there throughout the year, I thought I should make a note of the date. It’s fun to see what the different seasons bring. I could have added {part one} to the title of this post because I took so many pictures that there will be more in tomorrow’s post. At the end I included links to the farms pictured. So, here is a sampling of some of the goodness to be found at the Lane County Farmer’s Market at the end of April! }
Even after all these years of frequenting our local farmer’s market, Jeff and I still marvel at how amazing it is and what an incredible variety of offerings it has. I’ve watched it grow so much over the years and it just keeps getting better and better. I’m grateful for how much support there is in this area for local farms because it has made it possible for the farmer’s market to grow as large as it has. When I bring my camera along, I tend to take quite a few pictures while I’m there. There are so many colors and so many fresh foods that pull me in, that I just can’t help myself, there’s so much beauty to capture. I love to see what grows in different parts of the world, so I thought you far away readers would enjoy getting a peek at a western Oregon farmer’s market in the spring.
And for those of you nearby: look at all these wonderful things at our farmer’s market! Beets, turnips, radishes, watercress, walnuts, microgreens (sunflower & broccoli), raw honey, oyster mushrooms, burdock root, kohlrabi, leeks, artichokes, onions, spring garlic, thai basil, cactus (!), rhubarb, eggs, and purple potatoes. All those good things to eat, not to mention starts for your garden and all kinds of succulents. And flowers of every kind! I also wanted to share that we have a few things available in our friend’s farmer’s market booth, Humble Bee Honey, including some of our wooden bee earrings and some ‘Bee Friendly’ pins to pin to your shirt (or bag, or wherever it may be.) Thanks to all the farmers who grow all this healthy food for their community!
Local Farm Love: Winter Green Farm, SLO Farm, YepYep Farms, Humble Bee Honey, Circle h Farm, Grateful Harvest Farm, Turnip the Beet, Fox Hollow Creek Nursery, Ruby and Amber’s Organic Oasis, Rhythm & Blooms, Groundwork Organics, Hayhurst Valley Organic Farm & Nursery, Sweet Leaf Organic Farm & The Mushroomery.
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