These are so easy to make, I hardly consider this a recipe, but since I get asked how we prepare our sweet potatoes around here, I thought I would share today. We’ve made sweet potato fries in the past and sometimes we bake whole sweet potatoes, but the way I make them the most often is to cut them into rounds (and then halves because I can fit more on the pan that way.) One day I made these and called them “Yummy Yammies” (I know, the name is totally silly) and I still call them that from time to time. Kids love funny, catchy names for family favorite foods, so by all means call them yummy yammies if your kids get a kick out of it. (Though these are technically sweet potatoes, even though they are labeled as yams in the grocery store. More on that in this post.)
Directions: First, preheat your oven to 350 degrees. Then coat your baking pan in coconut oil (or other traditional oil of your choice.) Coconut oil is my oil of choice for this recipe. (My very favorite coconut oil can be purchased at Tropical Traditions. If you purchase from them for the first time using that link, you will receive a free book about Coconut Oil, and I will receive a gift certificate that helps our family purchase more coconut oil, thank you!)
Slice your sweet potato into rounds and then cut the rounds in half, so you can fit more on the pan. I dip both sides of each sweet potato slice in the coconut oil that’s on the pan and then fit all the pieces like a puzzle, to get as many as I can on the pan. Stick them in the oven for 20 minutes. Then take them out and flip each one over. (I know this part seems like a hassle, but they turn out much better if you take the extra time to do this because they are more evenly coated with oil and more evenly cooked on both sides.)
Bake them for 25-30 more minutes. The timing will depend on your oven and how crispy you prefer them. I like them to just start turning brown around the edges, the point where they start to caramelize (and taste amazing) before the burning begins to happen. These taste best, in my opinion, when they are still warm out of the oven. They taste good as leftovers and cold out of the refrigerator too, but warm is my favorite (and leftovers with these are rare anyway.) They taste so good, I don’t even season or salt them at all. Sweet potatoes are incredibly nutritious, so eat up! Our whole family loves them and we hope yours will too!
Looking for more healthy recipes to add more coconut oil to your diet? Check out: Paleo Pudding, Hazelnut Coconut Oil Spread, Grain-Free Zucchini Chia Muffins, and Coconut Oil Cordyceps Candies.
I cant get my sweet potatoes to go crispy, they just end up cooked but soft so i’ll have to try your recipe.
This sounds really good! I love sweet potatoes – much tastier than white potatoes. We’re going camping next weekend and may try to do them on the grill as a side.
With cinnamon are my fave 🙂