Corina Sahlin at Marblemount Homestead has taught earth-conscious people homesteading skills and artisan cheesemaking for one and a half decades. Corina is proud to announce her online fermentation course, where you learn how to make Greek yogurt, beet kvass, sauerkraut, kombucha and no-knead bread. It’s a self-paced course with beautiful ebooks, demonstration movies filmed in Corina’s kitchen, and a private Facebook group to build community and ask questions. You can start the course whenever you feel like it and complete it in your own time. Corina also offers an online cheesemaking course, where you learn how to make Greek yogurt, chevre, gouda and cabra al vino.
Today’s giveaway is brought to you by WoolyMossRoots sponsor- Marblemount Homestead- Online Fermentation Course.
Corina and her family have a homestead in Washington and are such a wealth of information. I’ve enjoyed e-mailing with her and have had the pleasure of taking her online fermentation course myself. Even though I’ve done quite a bit of fermenting over the years, I knew I could learn more from Corina, and I have. I used to make beet kvass when I was pregnant with Bracken, but got out of the habit. She has inspired me to start making it once more! I enjoyed seeing her different techniques for making sauerkraut (and her ginger beet sauerkraut sounds delicious!) Also, I love her second fermentation technique for kombucha because whenever we’ve made kombucha in the past, it’s never been bubbly or fizzy enough for Jeff’s liking. Her course is wonderful for beginners (would have loved to have it when I was first starting out) and also for those like me who have already had some experience fermenting. One of my favorite things about her course are the videos because I am such a visual learner and learn best by watching something be done or doing it myself. Then she also saves you time, so you don’t have to take notes, and has all the instructions and tips written out for you. Our whole family has watched the videos together and have really enjoyed them, Corina makes the videos so fun and she is so lovable!
You can stay in touch with Marblemount Homestead through their blog.
In my course, I teach how to make Greek Yogurt (bring on the probiotics!), Beet Kvass (super great for liver health), Sauerkraut (in big OR small batches), Kombucha (with a second fermentation segment to create a healthy, fizzy drink), and No-Knead Bread (people have been loving this one!).
My ebooks describe everything in detail, include many recipes, and are complimented by the movies my husband and I filmed in our kitchen. We had so much fun filming! My students keep commenting on how much the movies help them.
I also give my students access to a private Facebook group so they can interact with each other and me daily if they want to. It’s great for asking questions and showing off their food creations. I’m so proud of them!
PS: I also teach an online cheesemaking course in the same format, teaching how to make Yogurt, Chevre, Gouda and Cabra Al Vino.
In addition to the giveaway, Marblemount Homestead is offering a discount to WoolyMossRoots readers. Enter the coupon code: woollymoss at checkout and get 10% off the fermentation course AND the cheesemaking course!
International entries are welcome. The giveaway will be open through Friday, June 17th and the winner will be sent an e-mail with the happy news on Saturday, June 18th. To enter the giveaway, leave a comment on this post. Simple as that.
Congrats mj! The winner is mj who wrote: “Very generous and exciting give away!”
Thanks for the giveaway Marblemount Homestead!
Brooke says
I love fermenting, but would love to learn more!!
Laurie says
What a great giveaway! Thanks!
mj johnson says
Very generous and exciting give away!
Megan Machtolf says
I have just started following and reading marblemount homestead and im overjoyed at the whole encounter. I would love to do your fermentation workshop 🙂
Megan Z. says
I would like to learn more about fermenting. I’ve recently begun making my own water kefir, kimchi and other fermented foods but feel there is so much to learn.
Summer says
I would like to try this!!
Donna says
I could use some fermentation help!
Michelle Forlines says
I’d love to win this course. That bread looks so good!!
Terri says
I would love to win this….it sounds amazing. New follower to both of you:) Thanks.
Melissa says
What a lovely giveaway. I have wanted to learn fermentation for so long. Thanks for the opportunity:)
Kerri says
I’ve been learning a lot from Corina’s blog since first discovering it fairly recently, and I would so appreciate a chance to take one of her courses!!!
Jenni says
Would love to take this class soon!! 🙂
Nancy says
My 13 yr old daughter and I have taken Corina’s cheese making class and her husband Steve’s fire starting class, both at her beautiful home. They were fantastic! Corina teaches life skills that you will have for a lifetime in such a clear and wonderfully inspiring way. The winner of this course is going to be changed by it in a very good way. Good luck to you all-and check out all of her classes!
amanda riley says
The course looks very informative.I love the blog and would love to win.
Julie says
I love Corina’s blog and would love to take her course!
Dans says
Thankyou for reminding us to stop and smell the flowers and to continue to shine. We are new to homesteading and slowly incorporating what we can to move forward with it in our daily lives. Your fermenting class looks amazing 😉 Thankyou for sharing all your wonderful pictures of you and your family out on your special day…and HAPPY 44th BIRTHDAY! 🍓🍏🍌🍒
Sara says
I have dipped my toes in the fermentation waters, but definitely feel I could use more tips to we the products I desire. Thanks for the offer!
Suzie says
Thanks for the chance. Fermentation is something I’ve been wanting to learn for so long!
Amy N says
Love her blog!! I’m always eyeing her courses, but don’t have the extra cash floating around. Thanks for the chance.
Cindy says
This intrigues me.
Sophie says
So many foods I would like to try making! My one attempt at sauerkraut was not a resounding success. Thanks for the chance to win the course!
Karen Fremerman says
I would love to learn more through your videos. Hope I win!
Kimberly S says
My grandma was German and I really would like to learn how to ferment. Thanks for the chance to win this amazing course!
carrie says
This would be perfect… just starting to dabble in fermented foods and would love some guidance!
sarah rodriguez says
Mmm fermented veg. Oh yes please!
cb says
I love fermenting especially beet kvass !! Yum !!
Tracey Tims says
Thank you for such a fantastic giveaway, it sounds not only informative, but fun too!
Traci says
Whoever wins is going to be so happy! I have hinted over and over this would be a fantastic birthday gift. 🙂
Dana in Michigan says
What fun! I’ve always wanted to try making my own sauerkraut!
Lee Cockrum says
Sounds like a terrific course! I’m sure I would learn a lot!
Marion says
This sounds fascinating.
Angela Wilson says
I would love this!!!!
ErinMarie says
Such an amazing giveaway! I want to learn how to make beet kvass! Yum!
Grandma julie says
Very cool! Really getting excited about fermented foods!!
Bianca says
Yum, yum, yum…..how nice it would be to win. Thanks for the chance!
Daniela says
What a fantastic give away. I have had so many questions about fermenting lately. Lovely!!!