There hasn’t been much knitting happening around here as of late with so many other things with the business that have been keeping my hands busy. But there were a few car rides (after getting all the pricing done in the beginning part of the drive) that gave me the opportunity to finish one quick little project. I wanted to knit a gift for Bracken’s friend’s birthday and when I found out that one of their favorite colors was purple, I searched my stash for that color. I found a tiny bit of purple yarn, not enough to make a whole project with (by a long shot), but the perfect amount to do some edging. I was short on time so I decided not to knit a hat. Instead I chose to make some simple mitts.
I didn’t follow a pattern, but made them up as I went along. (I wrote down what I did in my Ravelry notes, but I will be making some changes the next time I knit a pair.) I didn’t knit a thumb this time, but simply made a thumb hole. (I’ll be trying a different method for making the thumb hole, that I just found out about, on the next pair. The wheels are turning about creating a simple pattern to share…) The yarn is handspun from Hungry Hill Farm, with wool from their sheep. I think handspun yarn makes any project even more special. I’ve really come to like mitts. I love the feeling of my fingers being free while the rest of my hand is kept warm. And they are good for days that are cold, but not cold enough to warrant mittens or gloves.
I seem to knit things in spurts. I was on a hat kick for awhile, knitting hats for gifts, and now I’ve been on a kick with mitts. And seeing some handknit mitts on sweet little hands? Love. Bracken is overdue for some mitts. The pair I knit for him before are long gone. He had a fun day making mud pies in them when he was little. I still remember the look of joy on his face as he squished the mud between his fingers and all through the mitts. At first I was sad when I discovered that I couldn’t get the mud washed out of his mitts, but I held on to the little mud caked mitts for so long and they made me smile whenever I saw them because I would think about his face all lit up and the fun he was having. Yesterday I invited him to look through my yarn and pick which colors he would like for some new mitts. He told me he might need some for collecting icicles, so he’s already got plans.
You seem to have a great eye for color combo’s. Love these! XX Kris in WA St.
These are soooooooooooooo cute! I love the colors!
Another great gift! I’m sure Bracken’s friend will adore their new mitts!