First of all, how adorable is that knitted open sign (hanging from a knitting needle no less!) for a knitting shop? Love. I wanted to pop by to let you know that there’s a new knitting shop in Eugene, called Cozy (I love that name), and you can now find WoolyMossRoots buttons there. I had several local knitting friends tell me to check out the shop and I went for a visit over the winter. While I was there I ran into friend who introduced me to the owner and then told her all about the beautiful wooden buttons that Jeff makes. (It feels like a small world sometimes, this knitting community, and it’s amazing how many connections there are within it, even at times when we have traveled far for a fiber festival.)
We only bring a small selection of buttons with us when we sell at the Saturday Market and the Holiday Market, reserving our booth space for the things we sell the most there. We mostly bring our buttons to fiber festivals, which is where they are popular, and our largest selection of buttons in Eugene each year is at the Black Sheep Gathering. But that’s just once a year. I’m so glad to now be able to send people over to Cozy when they are looking for a regular source for our buttons in the Eugene area, which we’ve been asked about quite a few times.
It was fun to have more time to look around Cozy recently. I fell in love with their Ravelry station. Yes, Ravelry Station! There really is such a wonderful thing! I know I’ve said this here before, but Ravelry is my “happy place” on the internet (and also my favorite place to find knitting patterns.) Whenever I go into yarn shops and start looking around at all the yarn, I’ll think ‘Oh I think that yarn would be so perfect for that one pattern I saw! But wait- what weight of yarn was it again? And what size knitting needles?’ At the Ravelry station at Cozy you can conveniently look up your patterns while you are in the shop. You can also purchase patterns, download patterns, and print a copy right there for a minimal fee. I had a project I wanted to get started on right away, with a pattern I had seen on Raverly. I was able to walk out of Cozy with the yarn, needles, and pattern (in a page protector!) all ready to go. Just wonderful, I tell you. (Especially since Jeff was driving that day and I had some knitting time during the drive. Every knitting opportunity is precious, right knitters?)
For those of you who are local (and for those who plan to be passing through at some point), you can find Cozy at 285 E 5th Avenue in Eugene, north of the Fifth Street Public Market.
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