{G r a t i t u d e * S u n d a y :: Sunday’s heartfelt tradition.
A time to slow down, to reflect, to be grateful. A list of gratitude.}
Throughout the week I’ve felt grateful for:
…Harvesting some of our grapes at last (about a week or so after those pictures were taken.) It’s been hard to be patient for them to ripen!
…How good the house smells when we bake sweet potatoes in the oven.
…Combining a bunch of old lists so we didn’t have so much list clutter around. Sounds funny, but it did make a big difference with my organizing efforts that day.
…Coming out of the dark, rainy night into our warm, cozy house.
…Getting things ready for the rainy season ahead. Jeff cleaned out the chimney, we harvested the last of the apples on our tree, and got some clean up done in the garden. It’s a good feeling to see our woodshed full of firewood!
…Giving our car a good cleaning and vacuuming after our trip for the festival last weekend.
…The relief that comes when you finally make a decision and then it feels so right. (You always wonder why it was so hard to make in the first place when it brings such a sigh of relief.)
…The feeling of bare feet on the grass after a rain. So refreshing and invigorating.
…The incredible progress that can be made when we tackle projects as a family. Jeff and I were just talking about how rather than working on our projects separately, we need to combine our efforts more often. We’re always so glad when we do.
…Being inspired by people’s stories of overcoming obstacles and listening to their inner voice.
(You can read more about the inspiration for Gratitude Sunday here.) Like to Join Us for Gratitude Sunday? If you are a blogger, click on the blue button below to add your link. When adding your link… Link the URL to your blog post with your gratitude list and not to your main blog URL. In your blog post, include a link back here, to this current post, so others who would like to join can find us. Or… Share your list (whether one or many) in the comments (located next to the title of this post.) Thanks for joining!
Whether your week flowed smoothly or you had a rough one, taking the time to focus on what you’re grateful for always makes things better and will bring some calm to your heart.
Gratitude is good medicine.
What have you felt grateful for throughout your week?
Share with us below!
…Let’s lift each other up and count our blessings together…
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