You know how excited I was over making my very first pom pom… well, the pom pom love continues my friends! I loved that first pom pom hat so much I had to cast on another one right away. My nephew turned three this week and I had already planned on knitting him a hat for his birthday, so naturally I chose to make a pom pom hat because right now the only hats I want to make are ones with pom poms. I used the same Pom-Pom Hat pattern that I knit before from Sweet Pickles. I really like the colorway of the wool yarn, named Jade Heather, and for the contrasting grey yarn used some handspun wool yarn. The handspun yarn gave a fun texture to the lines of color and also to the pom pom. (Ravelry notes here.) I dashed out in the rain to snap these pictures before I headed to the post office to mail out the hat. There’s just something so happy about pom poms, isn’t there? They’re fun, they’re festive, and they serve no official purpose other than to make you smile!
P.S. A kind reader named Janel left a comment in my last knitting post sharing this wonderful pom pom tutorial from Susan B. Anderson. I was delighted to see that Susan had a tutorial about making pom poms and color block pom poms at that. Thanks Janel!
Just plain fun! Nice colors.