I’ve been sharing small shop updates over on Instagram, this time I added a lot more to the shop all at once and I wanted to share it here too. There is such a wonderful variety of earrings in the shop right now. We have earrings in reclaimed Sassafras wood, Oregon Yew wood, and Mountain Mahogany wood. There are different shapes (simple rounds, longer ones, carved ones) and designs (some with woodburning, some with trees.) I love seeing what Jeff comes up with and I love looking through woods with him and picking out all the pieces just calling out to be made into something beautiful. We’ve been loving making so many things this winter. There have been many early mornings in the shop with Jeff sanding while I drill buttons, and then the boy joining us when he wakes up to see what we’ve been up to. I’ve been setting aside some time on Sundays to tie buttons on cards. B and I really enjoy listening to audiobooks together while he draws and I work on buttons, it’s the perfect relaxing time that I look forward to all week. There will be more buttons in the next shop update, but in the meantime… earrings, lots of earrings! Oh, and if you have requests, always feel free to let us know.
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