We have some family and friends who have been patiently waiting for some pictures from us, and I wanted to share our happy news- baby goats! You’ve seen our girl Oak on the blog before, in this post from December. Oak is such a good mama, and I love watching her with her babies, it’s so sweet. She was amazing all through the birth, and is so good at taking care of them all. (Yes, more than one! Pictures and more details coming soon.) In the meantime, I wanted to share these quick snapshots and the joyful news.
Winter is not usually the most eventful time on the homestead, with the garden being asleep for the most part. There’s still plenty to do in terms of animal chores, working on infastructure (there’s always things to build, fences to put up or repair, endless projects that need doing), and getting ready for the next garden season, but not eventful as in “exciting news to share” eventful. However, this January we had our first duck eggs (!) on the homestead in many years AND we had our first baby goats (!) born here in many years. We’ve raised both ducks and goats before, but it’s been so long that it all feels brand new in a way, yet wonderfully familiar.
It was definitely the most exciting January we’ve had yet on the homestead!
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