{G r a t i t u d e * S u n d a y :: Sunday’s heartfelt tradition. A time to slow down, to reflect, to be grateful. A list of gratitude.}
Throughout the week I’ve felt grateful for:
…Dahlias in bloom. What a beautiful flower they are, and a joy to have in the garden.
…My mom’s place not flooding during the hurricane.
…Putting a calendar up where Bracken could see it, and then seeing his interest in crossing off the days and decorating it. He has loved looking at it to know how many more days until something he’s looking forward to.
…Imagination. And childhood. And fluffy little seed tufts that suddenly become fairies and float into the sky.
…Jeff getting the entire load of wood chips moved. That was a huge job. And then working on splitting some firewood from last year that had cured and moving it into the woodshed.
…A meal I made being such a hit with everyone. That always feels good.
…Being able to get the snake out of our house when I had brought something into the living room from the garden and a snake had emerged from it. (It’s one thing to be startled by a snake in the garden, but quite another when it’s in your house!)
…Watching the boy so thoughtfully caring for one of our chickens who was struggling, and bringing her special treats.
…The inspiration to listen to classical music during our home school time. It helped keep the focus when there was a lot of energy, until we were able to wrap things up and head outside for a bit.
…Taking the time to begin new healthy habits, and having other people to start them with. I love that we can encourage one another and it helps us stick with it more.
(You can read more about the inspiration for Gratitude Sunday here.) Like to Join Us for Gratitude Sunday? If you are a blogger, click on the blue button below to add your link. When adding your link… Link the URL to your blog post with your gratitude list and not to your main blog URL. In your blog post, include a link back here, to this current post, so others who would like to join can find us. Or… Share your list (whether one or many) in the comments (located next to the title of this post.) Thanks for joining!
Whether your week flowed smoothly or you had a rough one, taking the time to focus on what you’re grateful for always makes things better and will bring some calm to your heart.
Gratitude is good medicine.
What have you felt grateful for throughout your week?
Share with us below!
…Let’s lift each other up and count our blessings together…
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