I worked to finish a pair of mitts for Bracken for Christmas and he had the opportunity to give them a try on our first snow day! He picked out the yarn he wanted me to make them with, telling me he was choosing snow and ice colors. We didn’t get any snow at our house last winter and this year he was really, really hoping for some. The blue yarn was leftover from the little vest I knit and the light colored yarn was some special handspun angora I had been saving to make something for him with. Last winter I knit Bracken the softest cowl ever with two strands of handspun angora, and I had a little bit of yarn left, just enough to make him matching mitts to his cowl. That angora is just heavenly soft and cozy!
When I gave the mitts to Bracken, I told him I had woven some wishes into them while I knit, hoping he would get that snow he wanted so badly. We both decided the mitts might have contained a little magic because we did indeed get some snow! After knitting them, I decided to embroider a snowflake inspired design on each one with the blue yarn. It was my second time embroidering with yarn, and it was fun! Nothing fancy, but even a simple design can really add something I think. I thought about calling Bracken’s new mitts his snow and ice mitts or something along those lines, but when we went out into the snow he started catching snowflakes and immediately called them his snowflake catchers. I loved that name so much! Snowflake catchers, it was.
I have to thank Bracken for allowing me to take some pictures. It was not easy for him to stay still for a moment because he was so excited to play in the snow and I didn’t blame him. But he tried to be as patient as he could be while his mama took some pictures, and I’m grateful for it. I made these mitts a little different from the last ones I knit, but am working on a simple pattern, so will share more details when the time comes. One mitt ended up getting lost and Jeff and Bracken found it in the snow. It reminded me of one of our favorite books called The Mitten by Jan Brett. Luckily the mitts had the blue edging because it helped them spot the mitts in the white snow. Our snow has all melted now, but I wasn’t finished with the snow posts quite yet!
Joy says
the mittens are lovely. You should also check out the book Any Room for Me, which has the most gorgeous illustrations and a story about a range of forest animals all finding shelter in a mitten lost by a woodsman in the snow. It is magical and just the right age for Bracken.
tarynkae says
Thank you for the suggestion Joy! We’d love to check it out. 🙂
Corinne says
Oh my goodness!…these are so great! I love the simple snowflake design
and they look so soft and squishy……Bracken looks like he’s loving them
and the snow too! I remember loving to play in the snow as a child and I
also remember bundling up and how cold it was and how wet I was when
I came in the house after I was done playing….fond memories!
Quinne says
Darling mitts – the blue bands and snowflakes are just wonderful touches! Bracken, they are awesome 🙂
Kris in WA says
Lovely Mitts! Lovely color choices! Taryn, you always make them look sooo great! Thank you Bracken for showing us! They look really nice on you! ;o))
Arianne says
Oh, LOVE!!! This is the same color my angora rabbit, Magnolia, grows. It is heavenly. I love how you worked it up. It makes me want to make myself a cowl just like this one.