This year Jeff was really excited about helping B plant his very own garden. With some sunny weather, they headed out to a spot along the back fence. Jeff cleared some weeds and made some holes for the seeds to go in. Then he poured a seed packet full of pea pods in his hand and asked B to put two peas in each hole.
When I came over to see, B pointed to where he put the peas.
Then Jeff asked B to cover them up with soil.
Lastly, B got his watering can and gave all his peas a good watering.
Then we stood back and admired. Right now it looks like a muddy mess, but soon the peas will be climbing up the back fence in a jungle of green.
When Jeff was eight years old and living in Japan, a man named Iraguchi taught him how to plant his first beans. He planted the beans along the bamboo fence, which made a nice trellis. Seeing those plants come up was one of the most magical events of his childhood and the experience had a profound effect on him. Jeff has had a garden ever since. Gardening has been a huge, and very important, part of his life.
That day with Iraguchi planting beans along the bamboo fence
inspired Jeff to head out to the garden on a sunny day with B
and plant some peas along our wire one.
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