The other day when Bracken and I went to gather eggs in the chicken coop, we found a very small egg. It was the same color of the americauna eggs (greenish), but much smaller. The other egg I’m holding in the picture is an average or medium size egg from another one of our hens. We wondered who laid it. Our first thought was that it was a pullet egg from one of the little ones. But the chicks are a few days over 9 weeks old and the ducks are even younger, so we didn’t think there was any way they could be old enough to be laying yet (just looked it up because I didn’t remember- chickens start laying at 20 to 24 weeks old and ducks around 21 to 26 weeks.) Did one of our hens lay the little thing? It’s a mystery. Or we like to say that at least because it makes it fun. (But after looking up the laying ages and definitely ruling out the chicks and ducks, it pretty much solves the mystery since only the hens are left, but that’s alright.) Bracken loved it and called it a “little baby gnomey egg.” Bracken’s very favorite description of anything that is small is: little baby gnomey. Little baby gnomey steps. Little baby gnomey blueberries. Little baby gnomey apples (on our tree right now.) You get the idea. It’s pretty funny and I adore that phrase now. I turned the wee egg into a hardboiled egg. But I find myself not wanting to eat it, to have it around a bit longer. I don’t know why, it’s just so cute I guess.
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