G r a t i t u d e * S u n d a y
{Sunday’s heartfelt tradition. A time to slow down, to reflect, to be grateful. A list of gratitudes.}
(If you would like to join us, see below. Our gratefulness feeds one another.)
Throughout the week I’ve felt grateful for:
…Changes in the garden every day that we notice, enjoy, and share with one another.
…Jeff and Bracken coming inside with the gift of garden greens for me to add to our breakfast.
…Finally painting the few spots on the wall in the bathroom that needed touch-ups. Literally took a few minutes, but the tiny project had been ignored for quite awhile.
…Hanging two of Jeff’s grandmother’s paintings on the wall and then Bracken asking to hear stories about Jeff’s grandma. She played the piano. She loved to paint. She always wanted Jeff to dance for her.
…Watching the mason bees in the garden go back and forth from their home.
…Getting to witness an egg coming out from the backside of our chicken. Great timing when we happened to walk in the coop. Bracken and I were in awe watching, we felt lucky we got to see that.
…Bracken getting a vase of lilacs ready to put on the table for our friends coming to visit. He was so excited.
…Time with friends. Sharing gifts, talking, laughing, playing, sliding. Oh, and wagon rides in the garden.
…Bracken laying down in bed and immediately falling asleep after such a long, full day, without even a bedtime story. Happily exhausted.
…Time to do some dishes before we left the house so we could return from a long day to a cleaner kitchen.
…Jeff getting money in the bank just in time when we had accidentally overdrawn when we forgot about a previous bill we’d paid that hadn’t shown up yet. So we didn’t have to pay the fee. Phew.
…Having a dream about someone we love and following my intuition to visit them. We were all so glad we did. (And then later in the week dreaming about seeing a triple rainbow. In my dream I thought it was the luckiest sign ever.)
…Fresh and bright sunshiny world after a rain. And the sounds in the yard. Chickens clucking, river flowing, birds singing. Sounds that I love.
…Jeff hearing Bracken’s first pitter patters across the floor and joining us for a bit of family time before we started our day.
…That Bracken reacted as well as he did when we lost one of our chickens. He cried some, but he wasn’t as upset as I expected. (It helped a bit that it hadn’t been one of his favorites.)
…Our neighbor coming over and trading with us so they would have plenty of eggs for Easter. We were so grateful for the canned salmon, canned tuna, and frozen blueberries. What a treat!
…The fact that there is always next week. Poor Jeff got a cold and we missed the first market day yesterday. Our car had been loaded up, our lunch packed, new creations made, even our clothes laid out and ready for morning, so you can imagine how disappointed he was. But he’s been resting up and now we’ll be extra ready for next weekend.
In your blog post, include a link back here, to this current post, so others who would like to join can find us.
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A triple rainbow! WOW!!!
Definitely lots to be grateful for! Happy Easter! I am grateful this week too!