…Joining Ginny’s YarnAlong, sharing what I’m knitting and reading…
Still working on my abalone. Started the part for the sleeves. It’s really interesting to see as I go along how this pattern is coming together. Very creative construction, I really like it so far.
Bracken and I have been reading Heidi together. (I’ve heard there are different versions and I’m not sure which one I have, I found it at a library book sale years ago.) I’ve read it before and it’s a book I really enjoy. Heidi is such a delightful character, how can you not just adore her?
How about you? Knitting? Reading?
I like the look of this and added it to my library!! Love different construction techniques.
Heidi was one of my favorite books. Read it over and over!!
My dog is named Heidi because I used to love the book so much as a child! Running barefoot in the mountains …
I love knitting projects with different construction. I love feeling like I learned something new at the end of it all.