We’ve been bringing in peas from the garden, lots of peas. Jeff has been cooking them in stir fries and we love them that way. We spotted the first ripe raspberry last week and this week have been getting a handful or so each day. The blueberries are ripening too. We’re still enjoying black currants and strawberries. Though the garden is not feeding us hugely yet this early in the season, we’re bringing in little harvests every day. We’re adding arugula to many meals, enjoying salads with our homegrown lettuce, and harvesting chamomile flowers for tea. But what we’re harvesting the most of right now is peas, and berries, harvesting handfuls whenever we visit the garden. The garden momentum starts slowly and before you know it, we’ll have so much to harvest it will be hard to keep up.
We experimented with growing white elm mushrooms in the garden last year and have been happy to see some popping up again this year! I love the early mornings in the garden when every thing is covered in dew and the world feels so fresh. We’ve been working to get caught up in the garden, there is so much that still needs to go in the ground. We have more raised beds we need to make this year, but we’re going to need a lot of soil for that. Since we don’t have a truck to transport soil, we have to pay for delivery which is quite spendy where we are. In the meantime, we’re searching for places to plant everything.
P.S. Come back tomorrow, Corina is giving away a place in her online fermentation course to one lucky winner!
Dana in Michigan says
I need to check our raspberries! I picked up 3 plants last year on drop dead clearance – so I’m not expecting much. But that doesn’t matter!
Carrie says
I remember peas from my grandfathers garden! They’d never make it to the house, I’d sneak a pod or two and eat them on the way in.